购买你的停车许可证, pay tickets, and or appeal a ticket, 请访问学生成功中心的商务服务办公室.
  • 在校园内停车需要有停车许可证. These are hanging permits so if you have more than one vehicle that you drive you only have to purchase one permit and just make sure it is hanging in the vehicle you are driving onto campus.  泊车证只限一人使用,不得与他人共用.  不要把你的许可证借给你的朋友或伙伴.  你要对你的停车许可证上的任何罚单负责.  The parking lots are designated with signs to tell you what permit is required.  这适用于所有铺砌和未铺砌的地块.  There is no place on the Tech campus you can park without a permit (see the attached detailed parking maps). 无许可证者将获发门票, 把车停在许可证上没有的地方, 将车停在装卸区或防火区内, 禁止以斜线条标示的停车区.
  • 请到网上购买停车许可证 MY MTECH on the Tech Web Page. Sign in and then go to “Important Links”, scroll down and click on parking decal.  在填写在线表格时,请按照说明操作. Select pay with credit card when you are done filling out your information. 然后我们会邮寄你的停车贴. If you don’t have a credit card to pay with, you can pay at the business office with cash or check.

    If a 3rd 派对赞助商会为你的停车贴买单, 选择在办公室付款,并向商务办公室提供收据.

  • Permit designations are “A” faculty and staff: “B” off campus students: “D” resident hall students.
  • 任何时候,所有黄色路缘和阴影区域都是“禁止停车”. Turning on your flasher does not make it legal to park in a no parking zone.
  • 所有残障人士专区只供残障人士使用.  如果你有残疾人许可证的话, you are required to purchase a MT Tech parking permit and both are to be displayed.  The hatched areas next to the handicap parking spaces are also handicap spaces and the fine for parking there is $100.00.  如果没有残疾人停车位的话, 您可以把车停在任何一个访客停车位.  If you have a 30 day or less injury you may pick up a handicap form in the Business Office to be filled out by your doctor.  我们会发给你一张临时残疾许可证.
  • 第一层通往楼梯的第一段只有“A”级许可. Once you are past the stairs on both sides of the row it is “B” parking.
  • 有指定的摩托车停车位. 这里只供摩托车停放, 摩托车不允许停在任何其他停车位.
  • Students, Faculty, and Staff are not allowed to park in the visitor parking for any reason. 访客停车场是为来参观校园的人准备的.
  • If your permit is lost or stolen, notify the Business Office immediately for a replacement.
  • If you are in possession of permit that has been reported lost or stolen, 你可能会失去在校园里最多一年的停车特权.  Alteration or duplication of a parking permit shall result in a fine and/or revocation of parking privileges for up to one academic year.
  • You may file an appeal 因为你认为你收到了不公平的停车罚单.  The appeal 必须在机票签发之日起30天内提交吗.  如果你收到两张以上的票, your vehicle may be booted and will not be released until your fines are paid.  The same applies if the vehicle you are driving is not registered to you, 或者你有州外车牌.
  • 如果你是第三方支付如Voc. Rehab: Fill out the information on My MTech to get a parking decal and select pay in the office at the end. Call or go to the business office and notify them that a third party is paying for your decal.
  • 停车许可证只发给一人. You cannot share your permit with your roommate, significant other, and/or friends. 
  • The hatched areas next to the handicap parking spaces are for wheelchair access only.  这些不是额外的停车位.  Should you park in one of these spots you will be issued a fine of $100.00.


  • Hanging Permits: $105.00 per year
  • Motorcycle Permits: $25.00


  • Hanging Permits: $55.00
  • Motorcycle Permits: $25.00

Parking Fines

  • Parking Fines: $45.00
  • 残疾人停车罚款:100美元.00

City Bus

城市公共汽车不向任何人收费.  The bus arrives on Park Street in front of the SUB on the half hour and out at the Highlands College on the hour.  你可以得到公共汽车路线 http://buttebus.org

Detailed Maps


Parking decals are now purchased through the Business Office so you can do everything in one place!

  1. Go to MyMtech 网上美高梅博彩在线正规美高梅博彩网站大学网站顶部的链接
  2. Go "Important Links"
  3. 向下滚动并点击停车贴花
  4. Verify your address
  5. 选择你要购买的贴花类型.
    1. D型贴花是给住在宿舍的学生的.
    2. B类贴花是给不住宿舍的学生的.
    3. A型贴花是给教职员工的
  6. Click confirm
  7. Scroll down to the bottom and check the box that you are aware of the policies
  8. 选择使用信用卡支付
  9. If a 3rd party sponsor is paying your decal or you are paying in office, choose “Pay in Office.”
  10. 在商务办公室领取贴花(SSC 3).127)

If you have any questions about purchasing a decal, please call the business office at 406-496-4250 or email us at BusinessServices@infoindiatours.com.

Fill out the parking appeal form and email to Business Services@infoindiatours.com 或者改成商务办公室. 上诉将提交给停车管理委员会. You will be contacted by the Parking Committee when a decision has been made.

请与商务办公室联系 406-496-4250.

请与商务办公室联系 406-496-4250.

请与商务办公室联系 406-496-4250.

Look at the map here. If you have any other questions about where to park, please contact the business office at 406-496-4250.

Questions about Parking?

We would be glad to answer any questions you have about parking on campus.

Business Office